Thursday, August 1, 2024

Introduction to
Catching up ... on pre-blog years

On Aug. 1 of last year, I used Photo Potpourri to publish an original non-fiction manuscript, On Hoosier Gridirons, that I had worked on for almost two years. Until then, this blog had been used almost exclusivity for predominantly photographic content. 

In On Hoosier Gridirons, I used 16 daily “chapters,” or posts, and a parallel timeline to tell early-life stories of two athletes and their growth as football quarterbacks at small high schools and colleges at opposite ends of Indiana. In the ensuing months, I presented additional series in chapter format on different topics, but mostly for predominantly photographic content.

I ventured into using this blog for multipart series because when Photo Potpourri launched in December 2008, I noted in my profile bio that the blog’s mission would likely evolve through the years, although the majority of posts in recent years has been used primarily to chronicle scores of shoots.

Almost all of those shoots occurred after the blog’s launch. Which leads me to today’s introduction of and the objective of Catching up,… on pre-blog years, my latest series here. I’m using it to present images from photo outings that I logged before the blog’s launch ... or in a couple instances, shoots that occurred after the launch but had never previously made it into a blog post.

Unlike the previous “chapter” series in the past year, there is no particular timeline order for the old shoots in this series, but I will make a point to note the date of each. 

The first chapter, which goes live tomorrow, is devoted to a performance by the Beech Grove (Ind.) metal band Seek the Riot at the July 4, 2004, Beech Grove (Ind.) Freedom Festival.

The photo I am using for the series logo — the image you see leading off this post — is from a shoot whose chapter on the 2007 Miracle Mile Parade on the Southside of Indianapolis will come near the end of Catching up ... on pre-blog years. Pictured in the logo is the front of the parade entry of Roncalli High School, Indianapolis.

Unless I get inspired from an as yet known source, this Catching up ... on pre-blog years is the last planned "chapter" series. 

Coming tomorrow: Chapter 1, Seek the Riot metal band

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