Monday, August 5, 2024

Irvington Walk in the Park
and Farmers Market, Aug. 13, 2006

On Aug. 13, 2006, the Eastside Indianapolis community of Irvington held its annual Walk in the Park arts and crafts fair in Ellenberger Park. 

The Walk in the Park, which in 2006 was the fifth annual observation, was an occasion for artists, artisans, performers and musicians to exhibit their wares and talents in a public space for interested people to enjoy. The affair was sponsored by the Irving Guild of Artists. 

The event was held in conjunction with the monthly Irvington Farmers Market, also held in the park. So visitors could get an extra bang for their bucks if they were in need of vegetables and fruits for the household in addition to any arts or crafts items that caught their eye.

In the photo leading off the post, one of the fair vendors was operated by "Guacamole Gus" Rojas and his family. Gus and his guacamole are very popular at the monthly Irvington Farmers Markets, according to Dawn Briggs, who headed the park's Farmers Market at the time.

Two of Gus' daughters were working the booth at time I took that photo. Serving a customer is Andrea Rojas, 23, and seated is her sister, Ali, 17.

I returned to the Walk in the Park and Farmers Market in 2008. I'll present those photos in tomorrow's chapter.    

Among the fair's musical entertainers that day were Indianapolis singer Rick Freeman (above right) and Speedway harmonica player Tom Hunt, who were on stage from noon to 3 p.m. Freeman, also pictured below, was best known for performing with the Indianapolis band The Spirtles. He included Paul Simon's Cathy's Song and Joni Mitchell's The Circle Game on his set list that day. 

Above: Celtic-American folk band Hogeye Navvy performed from 3 to 5 p.m. at Walk in the Park.

A man who identified himself as Chuck Williams fetched interest, including from the elderly gentleman above, handling what Williams identified as a six-month-old yellow head reticulated python. Williams said he was an Irvington sub-breeder of the reptile, and claimed he was the only such breeder in all of Indiana.  

There were quite a few activities for children at Walk in the Park, including Stories by Steve (above), conducted by Steve Bridges, while 
Irvington Guild of Artists member Leslie Meier-Shore (below) introduced performance art to a possible future actress.

Above and below: Customers checked out vegetables at the Farmers Market. 

Above: For these craft jewelry vendors, sales weren't as important as caring for a sleepy child. 

Coming tomorrow: Chapter 5, 2008 Irvington Walk in the Park

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