Monday, August 26, 2013

Cataracts Music Festival ... 2 days after

I doubt I'll ever be someone who'll comfortably say that a phone camera will ever replace a DSLR or mirroless digital camera when it comes to quality and sophistication. But I can say I'm getting more and more impressed with the capabilities of the camera feature of my iPhone5.

Today is the first of three consecutive posts in which I present images taken exclusively with my iPhone. Today's post should be the least impressive of the trio; the two others were taken in very low-light conditions, and delivered remarkably well. I'm saving those for last, though.

Today's post is about images I took today, during daylight hours, as I strolled through Garfield Park en route home from dropping off with family some cucumbers I'd grown in one of my gardens. I came upon four background pieces that were used Saturday in the park during the third annual Cararacts Music Festival.

This was the event's first year at Garfield Park, where it was moved because of opposition to staging it again in Fountain Square, where it played out the first two years. At last year's second staging, I was elsewhere in Fountain Square, photographing the inaugural (and, apparently, only running of the Fountain Square Grand Prix cycling competition).

I walked through the park Saturday during the late hours of the festival, and heard at least two of the 40 acts of psych rock, garage rock, hip-hop and punk styles that the event boasts it attracts. Organizers did a great job of cleaning debris from the ground; curiously, they left behind these four pieces, so I decided to photograph them while I had a chance. All I had with me was the iPhone, so that's what I used.

I don't know what a couple of these are supposed to represent; just appreciate the artwork. Leading off the post is a silver triangular tent-like structure whose top 2 feet (see photo below) was separated from the bulk of the tent, as if to allow ventilation. A "Stay Off" sign was still on the backside.

Above: Yes, I was trying to include myself in the reflection ... and was disappointed it wasn't more conspicuous.

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