Yes, I know the ground-level vantage point isn't new, but it isn't done nearly as often as the straight-on shot, and I can't say I've seen may ground-level garden shots, so ... in my endeavors to try to capture new or different vantage points, I grabbed my macro lens -- in quest for high-quality images -- and hit the lawn when I took these. I particularly like the way the low sight line gives prominence to the asiatic lily buds, putting them on equal terms with the blooms. In the first two below, that's my lettuce and day lily in the first image, and a view of the row of asiatic lilies below it.
The second reason for this post was to herald the blooms of the aforementioned asiatic lilies -- whose yellow and pink petals are much bigger and more elegant than most asiatic lilies I've seen before. These lilies have become the jewel in my garden, something I look forward to each year when they start to bloom in early to mid-June like this. Sadly, a wicked storm can tear apart the blooms in a flinch. I managed to take these images before the big storms came through last weekend. The storms tore a few petals from the blooms, but most ... amazingly ... survived.
And the third reason for the post (read on below the lily pics) ...

... was to chuckle about how nature snookered me. Remember the May 30, 2010, post about flowers blooming on bean seedlings? I now think that's s hooey. The image below, taken Saturday, is the same plant shown May 30 (then with a solitary bloom). Clearly this ain't no bean plant (there are a couple of bean plants, however, coming up very near to this, though). So ... I have that Internet story -- which told me bean plants show flowers early on -- to curse (and blame!).
But the more key story here is ... where did this petunia plant come from? I did not plan it, plant it or sow seed for this. As I mentioned in my previous post, I grew petunias with exactly these types of purple-and-white blooms two (2) summers ago in this very same portion of my genus garden. But petunias are annuals; they don't survive after their one-and-only season. So how could this be? Someone once told me that birds (and occasionally squirrels) will pick up seed from one place, fly it around and then drop it indiscriminately. That's the only explanation I can think of for this; and to think it dropped in the same area of my garden where it grew two years ago. A gardening miracle?
And to those who think I buried the lead of this post, well ... maybe I did. I just didn't want to lead with the embarrassment. Call me proud!
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