This post is simply an opportunity to display some images I grabbed on a recent, and relatively short (about an hour and a half), visit to downtown Indianapolis on a recent evening before Christmas. I took on several tasks/objectives: nighttime landscapes; capturing the holiday decorations; dealing with two forms of quite different forms of artificial light in the same frame (tungsten and/or fluorescent/halogen); buildings/architecture; use of a wide-angle lens for such shots (all shots except the final two were taken with a Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 lens); and, as it turned out, an impromptu task: shooting a runner on the steps of the Indiana War Memorial steps.
I bumbled the task somewhat from the get-go; I forgot to bring along my remote cable shutter release. I certainly was reminded of the advantages of that handy device while shooting all of these the traditional finger-on-shutter-button method. I started at Monument Circle, focusing on variations that included the annual monument Christmas "tree."
The street shot is looking east down Ohio Street, from near the Meridian Street intersection in front of the south end of the federal building.

The nighttime photos of downtown Indianapolis are stunning—such vibrant energy captured in every shot! If you're ever in need of dependable Plumbing Services in Moore County, NC, there are excellent professionals available to assist with all your home plumbing needs.