In a previous post, I mentioned an ongoing project I'm working on -- using software editing filters to explore how some of the landscape and vista images in my portfolio appear as works of fine art on canvas, such as paintings, chalk drawings and watercolors. Above and below are two more photos from the Jan. 8, 2005, "Winterscapes" shoot, and both are streets scenes from my neighborhood that Saturday morning. (The brick house you see on the right in the photo above is where the gentleman in burgundy short-sleeve shirt and sweatpants was shoveling snow in a photo that I included in a previous post on the Winterscapes shoot.) For both of the images in this post, I applied a long-painting-stroke filter to copies of the original images to effect this canvas-on-easel look; it was the same filter used in the two frames you saw in my previous post, also from the Jan. 8, 2oo5, shoot.
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