As promised, I returned to the Downtown Canal soon -- on Sunday, as a matter of fact. I hadn't realized until then how much of a people magnet that place is on weekends -- strollers, groups, families, roller-bladers, joggers, bikers and kayak and paddleboat riders.

I spent about three hours on just one segments of the canal the center and a bit south of there up to the tennis center. I know there's more to it on each end, but perhaps another day. Still, I shot more than 200 frames; I can't imagine how many more frames are waiting for me on the subsequent visits!

I have several "favorites," including shots of the downtown skyline from the upper-level outdoor restaurant (not open that day) adjacent to the Indiana State Museum. It's a seen I've seen quite a bit in images uploaded to the CaptureIndy site that I've mentioned here before. I used a circular polarizer for all my shots, hoping to cultivate some rich color in my skies and to deflect glare on the watertop.

The former objective was fulfilled; I got some very nice, rich blues with very little boosting necessary in post-processing. As for the latter, I found out that as long as I was far enough away, water shots were OK. But a polarizer -- perhaps because it also layered with my UV filter that I keep on the lenses at all times -- distorts close shots of the water beyond what I had ever imagined. The colors were psychedelic ... rendering many of my otherwise nice duck shots to the sideline.

On the way home, I saw some fantastic cloud patterns, so I grabbed a few frames of those, too. Several hovered in the eastern sky above a NAPA car parts store at West and McCarty streets, and the others were in the western sky, the sun hiding behind them to create a celestial spectacle.